Natal Chiron in the 2nd house indicates emotional wounds connected with the native’s possessions. The second house represents the things we believe we own, and Chiron placed there can create inner fears and discontent connected to losses or lack of belongings. Generally, asteroid Chiron is responsible for traumas and their healing; thus the house where it is placed is a rather sensitive area of the native’s life. In case that the asteroid is negatively aspected, especially by “malefics” such as Mars, Saturn or Pluto, the native may have experienced quite a lot of suffering in the life matters ruled by the house. On the other hand, a well-aspected Chiron indicates abilities to heal other people in such matters, as the native has learned quite a lot from his own experiences. A person with his Chiron placed in the 2nd house might have difficult childhood experiences concerning what he believes that he owns. As a child, his family might be experiencing financial problems, having as an effect the development of insecurity to the child about the belongings of him and his family. Seeing the struggle of his parents, the child can even feel guilt and accuse himself of being a financial burden to the family. If Chiron is adversely aspected by Mars, Mercury or Neptune, the young native might have experienced his toys being stolen or himself being somehow swindled by other children.
A 2nd house Chiron person might receive a lot fewer presents and toys than the other children and feel that has fewer belongings than others. Other children may be mocking him, and this can create emotions of jealousy. As a result, the child strongly connects self-confidence with owning things of value; this pattern will follow him during his adult life and he will seek physical comforts and obtaining material wealth and objects in order to feel secure. Of course, the severity of the emotional trauma largely depends on the aspects of natal planets. Squares, oppositions, and conjunctions with Mars, Saturn and Pluto indicate more difficult situations, while harmonious aspects with planets will actually teach the native how to develop his view on the matter of possessions and belongings.
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Chiron in the 2nd house can bring disappointment to the native during periods of financial difficulties. He will worry a lot and feel rather depressive, searching for ways to restore his financial status. Yet, one of the most important lessons he will have to face is to stop valuing himself depending on his wallet or assets. The 2nd house does not only indicate material possessions but also spiritual ones. In fact, the second house refers to everything that the native believes he owns, and his personal assets can be even ideas or people. Thus, for aiding his natal Chiron in his healing procedure, the individual must realize that his self-worth is an outcome of more parameters than he believes.
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